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Broken – A Novel – 348 pages
Upon entering therapy, a Manhattan man recounts the pain of losing his father, the difficulties in raising his children, the pratfalls of falling in love with a prostitute and the hell of having been married to a lesbian for thirty years.
The Burnout Chronicles - A Memoir - 358 pages
An adolescent drudges through psychosis, drug addiction, criminal sociopathy and finally psycho-therapy in a clumsy and chaotic journey of self-discovery.
Born Again for the First Time - A Novella - 71 pages
After enduring an unprecedented balding pattern that makes what’s left of his hair look like a yarmulke, an agnostic theologian decides to convert to Judaism.
The Assassination of Americana - A Novella - 141 pages
During a psychotic episode, a charismatic college freshman leads the student body in a revolt – his first step in a campaign to take over the campus and eventually the world.
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